2022 Conference Summary

CoordinatorIDEAS Conference 2022, News, Slider 1 Comment

Dear IDEAS Conference participants,

The IDEAS Conference 2022 “Power of Evaluation: Influencing Decision Making for a Better and More Equal World” held on September 27 to 30 was successfully completed. This event, supported and hosted by DEval, gathered 182 participants from different parts of the world. The audience was represented by a wide range of development actors including evaluation associations and networks, academia, international organizations, governments, parliamentarians, among others.

The conference provided a forum to discuss about the relevance and power of evaluation in the current global context. Challenges and opportunities were also discussed. Several sessions pointed out the need to approach evaluation as a powerful tool to achieve transformational change; and the importance of reviewing the ways evaluation is currently approached.

On this page, you will find impressions of our Board members on the Conference. You will also find here the Conference materials and presentations.

Many thanks for your support and valuable contributions!

Page Content:

Conference highlights

Please see what our Board members have learned from the Conference! You can also share your takeaways with us in the comments.

Peter E. Wichmand

Lennise JC Baptiste


Josephine Watera “IDEAS Conference 2022 once again lived it’s theme. It unlocked the debate on the power of evaluation. The conference richly review on experiences from across the globe and fields. It was a formidable platform for all. The Young and Emerging Evaluators properly packaged mind triggering topics like the use of social media in evaluation. On the other hand the legendary faces emphasised a systems approach to Evaluation and its power to cause transformational change. At the climax for me was the commemoration of 50 years of evaluation practice of Micheal Quinn Patton who journeyed the participants through his five publications that have tremendously shaped the field of evaluation but he also brought to memory the Prague Declaration. Bravo IDEAS, information is power, but there is more power in Evaluation. Another great conference.”

Fabiola Amariles “The conference showed that IDEAS continues to be the global platform that brings together important development actors around evaluation. Assembling so many partners in evaluation is highlighted as one of the strengths of the association and something valuable for those partners.  Throughout the conference, other values of IDEAS were discovered, such as access to materials produced by the Association, as well as other elements of collective construction with development entities. The papers and panels showed some transformative trends that can lead to change. For example, working on aspects such as evaluation in times of crisis; peace and reconstruction; humanitarian aspects; evaluation for betterment. Other trends have to do with the need to evaluate policies on implementing SDGs in several countries (the cases of Colombia and Costa Rica in Latin America were highlighted). Also, the review of the VNR continues to be important since it is detected that this mechanism may not have the evaluative structure that could allow greater monitoring of the SDGs. The conference allowed extensive discussions on the matter. Cases related to real-time evaluations to tackle aspects related to human rights, power relationships, etc. were also exposed. This is evidence of the relevance of the topic as a learning activity. The IDEAS 2019 Prague Declaration has proven to be a guide on the issues of evaluation for development. It is worth continuing to apply it in our evaluative work. The topic of Democracy strengthening through evaluation appeared to be of high relevance during this conference. Advocating for a UN Resolution for Country-led evaluations of the SDGs was presented as a topic for action in the immediate future.”

Sonal Zaveri

Presentations from the Conference

Conference program

As promised now you can see all materials and presentations from the Conference.

Here you can find a link to the Conference speakers. However, not all of them had presentations. Here we have collected all available presentations from each day of the Conference.

Day 1

Key note Day 1 Jo Puri

PS 01 Complexity-driven evaluation: A new paradigm to tackle transformative change – Salah Eddine Bouyousfi, University Mohamed V Rabat, Moroccan Evaluation Association

PS 02 The role of SDG evaluations for VNR reporting: Common challenges and emerging good practice from Latin America and Anglophone Africa (SP) – Dirk Hoffmann, DEval, Ayabulela Dlakavu, South Africa; Karina Retama, ex-CLEAR-LAC; Adriana Cozma, DNP Colombia; Candice Morkel, South Africa; Malefu Delinah Khanyapa, Lesotho

PS 03 Power of Evaluation in the context of Parliaments – Josephine Watera, Uganda; Hon. M. ThilakaRajah, Sri Lanka; Hon. Ramesh Paudyal, Nepal, Kieron Crawley

PS 04 Re-imaging capacity building to Shift the Power in Evaluation – Dena Lomofsky, Southern Hemisphere, SAMEA; Juliana Kiio, Simavi Kenya; Adeline Sibanda, IEAc, ADESIM Developments; Susan Wilkinson

PS 06 Reforming evaluation to improve programming in conflict-related and fragile settings – Kinda Ousseni, Evans Bett, NRC; Marion Cabanes, OXFAM; Pierre Stéphane Nyenguena, SCI

PS 07 Quality as praxis: A formative meta-evaluation tool to inform transformation – Amy Jersild & Michael Harnar, Western Michigan University

Day 2

PS 11 Gender equality and intersectionality in evaluation theory and practice – Julia EspinosaFajardo, Eddah Kanini, Khayriniso Rasulova

PS 12 Power of Evaluation in Governance – Opening slides, Rooba Yanembal Moorghen, Retired Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Gender Equality and Family Welfare, Mauritius; Isha Wedasinghe Miranda, National Committee of Evaluation Policy in Government of Sri Lanka

PS 12 Evaluations for Climate: experience of the GCF Independent Evaluation Unit on standard setting and capacity needs – Prashanth Kotturi, Green Climate Fund

Special Session: Utilization-Focused Evaluation for Systems Transformation: Intended use by intended users adapted for a more sustainable and equitable future – Michael Quinn Patton

PS 14 Rapid Evaluation to assess service delivery in the public sector – Jennifer Mutua, Evaluation Society of Kenya; Dr. Betty Langat, Director of health service in Kericho County, Kenyatta University; Erick Kiprono Kosgei, M&E Department; Nancy Chemutai, Kericho County

PS 15 Operationalizing Feminist Evaluation: Lessons from Global Affairs Canada’s Experience – Silvia Grandi, Emily Walter, Colton Brydges, Global Affairs Canada

PS 16 Enhancing evaluation effectiveness to support transformational change – A discussion of examples from México, Costa Rica and Germany – Ezra Bender, Magdalena Orth, DEval; Karina Barrios Sanchéz, CONEVAL Mexico; Carolina Zúñiga, MIDEPLAN Costa Rica; Jan Tobias Polak, DEval

Day 3

Key note and Panel: Evaluation within national ecosystems – Ian Goldman, President, International Evaluation Academy; Kabir Hashim, Chair, Global Parliamentarians Forum for Evaluation; Antero Klemola, Director Evaluation, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland; Carolina Zuniga, MIDEPLAN, Costa Rica; Sarah Longford, WFP; Dugan Fraser, Global Evaluation Initiative, IEG World Bank

PS 17 The International Evaluation Academy: Ready, Set, Action! – Linda Mora Imas, Beverly Parsons, Adeline Sibanda, Sonal Zaveri, International Evaluation Academy (IEAc), Ian Goldman, IEAc

PS 18 VNRs: an awakening to change practices – Petra Novakova, Claudia Olavarria, Abeer Hakouz; Florencia Tateossian, UN Women, EvalGender+

PS 19 Lessons learned and challenges of participatory evaluation to contribute to an inclusive and transformative evaluation – Emma Lucía Rotondo, Janett Salvador, Pablo Alvarez, Mildred Garcia, Alfredo Dominguez, LAC Networks

PS 20 Why I’m not the best person for my job (YEE) – Hind M’hamdi, Libby Bligh, Swaantje Marten, TetraTech International Development

PS 22 The use of social media data to evaluate candidates’ engagement in a green and inclusive development agenda in Brazil – Fernanda Carneiro, Oxford Policy Management; Terry Roopnaraine, Spain; Alejandra Uribe, Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, UK

PS 23 Breaking the Cycle of Underengaged Evaluations – Multi-level accountability and donor involvement as a means of transforming evaluation cycles (YEE) – Beatrice Maneshi, Aviva Stein, Catalystas Consulting, NL; Daniel Svoboda, IDEAS

PS 24 Designing use-oriented measurement systems for decision making in India – Yamini Atmavilas, Circle In Foundation; Parul Agarwal, CEGIS; Udit Ranjan, Central Square Foundation; Neha Walani, Air Pollution Action Group

Plenary & Closing Session – Jean Quesnel, Member of IDEAS, President, Evaluation Society of Quebec

Day 4

Keynote speech: Evaluation for transformational change: relevance and perspectives – Juha Uitto, Director, Independent Evaluation Office, Global Environment Facility (GEF)

Evaluation for Transformational Change Award 2022: process, results and lessons – Candice Morkel, CLEAR Anglophone Africa – Award Judging Panel; Jan Joost Kessler, Aidenvironment – Representing Transformative Change in Tropical Forest Landscape Initiatives – the Award winner; Sonal Zaveri, Representing Real Time Evaluation of Gender Integration in the UNICEF Covid-19 Response in South Asia – Honorary mention; Daniel Svoboda, IDEAS