The purpose of this group would be threefold:
- To revitalize the discourse on ECD within IDEAS six years after the Global Assembly organized in Johannesburg around this theme (Getting to Results: Evaluation Capacity Building and Development). This would serve as the basis for enhancing further collaboration and mutual support in this area among IDEAS members;
- To build upon not only the work that IDEAS has done on ECD and competencies but also the global ECD initiatives organized in the past by the ITIG coordinator and the other ten supporting members (see names below). In so doing, the ITIG aims at forging shared visions among IDEAS members from different world’s regions on what it means to work with organizations and governments on evaluation capacity, in a contextualized, transformative and sustainable manner;
- To enhance the sharing of relevant and cutting edge ECD among the ITIG members as well as to produce knowledge products (e.g., diagnostic tools and checklists) that IDEAS members could use to make their ECD work more effective in the future.
Proposed activities for the first six months of operation
- Advertise the creation of the new ITIG and clarify the main purposes and objectives of the newly established group to the whole IDEAS membership (this would include explaining why one might want to join the ITIG and how one could contribute to the fulfillment of its mandate);
- Conduct a collective reflection on the IDEAS List of Competencies and the recent members’ survey on the related use, towards the identification of current limitations and possible opportunities for improvement;
- In an effort to advertise the List of Competencies to new IDEAS members and arouse a renewed interested in it among older IDEAS members, build upon the outcomes of the collective reflections conducted to date and identify concrete modalities to enhance the operationalization of it;
- Develop actionable recommendations on the next steps related to the further operationalization of ECD theories and competencies identified as critical by the IDEAS memberships (such recommendations could be piloted upon completion of the first six months of operation);
- Stimulate online discussions, blogs and resources sharing on a number of platforms accessible to ITIG’s participants (e.g. IDEAS website or LinkedIn). This is likely to also raise the visibility of the discussed ECD issues among the larger IDEAS membership.
In all its endeavors, the ITIG will encourage all the interested individuals from within the larger IDEAS membership to join the ITIG and will promote the production of new ideas and views on ECD among them. A special effort will be made to strengthen IDEAS contribution to the current ECD global and regional discourse as well as to enhance further the relevance of the Association to all its members.
- Dr. Michele Tarsilla, Ph.D., Evaluation Capacity Development Specialist