
IDEAS has many resources to offer visitors and members, complementing our communication efforts with the community of evaluators through social media and our website. We are working on a special publication page (not yet available) on our website, which would provide IDEAS’ members with an opportunity to publish papers electronically. The resources in our libraries are accessed through Google Drive, where you can browse folders and files. We have three libraries available:

The Public Library is available to all visitors and contains our foundational documents such as our Constitution, Code of Ethics, Election by-laws, and a host of other documents on competencies and many documents from our Global Assemblies. It also contains several books related to the Global Assemblies, published by the World Bank but available for download, as well as the proceedings of the fourth NEC conference in Bangkok, published by UNDP, to which IDEAS was proud to contribute.

The Members Library contains documents pertaining to the work of the IDEAS Thematic Interest Groups (ITIGs), Working Groups and Programmes. Such documents are open to assessment and comments by IDEAS members. Additional resources to support professionalization are also available.

The Board Library is accessible to Board Members only.

Our News and Interaction page promotes discussions among members and visitors on global evaluation issues. You can also explore our Public Library here – for other resources you will be redirected to the appropriate page of the IDEAS website.

Have fun browsing and hopefully you will find what you are looking for – if not, contact us!