The COVE research team (Collaborative Opportunities to Value Evaluation: Brad Cousins, Lyn Shula, Elizabeth Whitmore, Hind Al Hudib, Nathalie Gilbert) has recently introduced “Principles to Guide Collaborative Approaches to Evaluation (CAE)”.
The eight evidence-based Principles were developed on the basis of data from 320 practising evaluators in North America and beyond and were recently published in the American Journal of Evaluation (Shulha at al., 2016, vol. 37, no. 2).
More information is provided at
There you will also find links to two resource documents:
1. A brochure-style document that describes the Principles and potential applications in (i) guiding CAE practice, (ii) reflecting on the implementation and consequences of recent CAE projects, (iii) evaluation policy review; (iv) structuring professional development, and (v) framing research on CAE practice (as well as other possible applications).
2. An indicator document that provides items for consideration with respect to the application of each of the eight CAE principles.
The eight Principles are to be:
* used as a set, although individual principles may be differentially weighted depending on context;
* considered to be interdependent and overlapping; and
* recognized as being nonlinear, albeit with some adherence to a loose temporal order.
For further information about the principles please follow this link to a short video presentation:
It is hoped that the use and application of the principles will benefit in significant ways your practice in collaborative and participatory approaches to evaluation. At this juncture, despite systematic efforts to validate the Principles, the COVE research team recognizes the current version to be preliminary and subject to ongoing development and refinement.
You are invited!
The Principles were developed on the basis of thoughtful input by practising evaluators such as you. You are invited to seriously consider an opportunity to contribute to their ongoing development through empirical inquiry. The team plans to publish peer-reviewed collections of practical field studies of the principles conducted by English-, French-, and Spanish-speaking evaluators. Please consider contributing.
For more information follow this link: