Leaving no-one behind: Evaluating SDGs with an Equity focused and Gender responsive lens.

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In March 2016, policy makers and evaluators gathered in New York City to meet the challenge of evaluating the Sustainable Development Goals while leaving no one behind.

With an eye toward equity-focused and gender-responsive evaluations, representatives from UN agencies, Member States and evaluation organizations committed to work collaboratively with one another to include those traditionally discriminated against and marginalized.  They collectively recognized the importance of looking beyond aggregate measures to find the root causes of structural inequality.

The complexity of the SDGs means a new reality for evaluation. Evaluators must be advocates, not just experts. They must work together with policymakers to ensure evidence is brought back to the driver’s seat.

Access the report of the 2016 New York High-Level Panel and Technical Seminar, where you’ll find a summary of the events and workshops, highlights and key discussion takeaways.

Read the report


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