Adapting evaluation in times of crises: lessons learnt

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Where: Webex Meetings Online

When: 24 January 2022 at 12:30 CET

Reflections on lessons from the EvalCrisis initiative

In the past two years, the evaluation community adapted methods and processes to face the constraints brought in by the Covid-19 crisis; difficulties did not stop evaluation. What did we learn from this experience?

The Covid-19 crisis changed the way evaluations are prioritised, managed and conducted: difficulties in accessing respondents, measures to prevent disease transmission, different methods to explain ‘how change happens’, application of ‘Do No Harm’ and ‘Leave No One Behind’ principles, remote or semi-remote evaluations through innovative methodologies and tools etc.

The EC DG INTPA/ESS Evaluation in Crisis (EvalCrisis) initiative was launched in April 2020 to produce and share resources on adaptive evaluation practices in time of a global crisis.

A panel of distinguished discussants will share their reflections on the lessons learnt from this initiative, which are available at…;

The key lessons learnt will be shortly introduced for discussion by Marco Lorenzoni (DG INTPA/ESS and Board member EES) and Hur Hassnain (DG INTPA/ESS and Board member IDEAS); Valentin Alvarez (DG INTPA, Evaluation Officer) will facilitate the Q&A session and introduce the event. The event is co-organised with the European Evaluation Society (EES), the International Development Evaluation Association (IDEAS) and the International Evaluation Academy (IEAc).

Felix Fernandez Shaw
Director for Sustainable Development Policy and Coordination, DG INTPA
Alison Evans
WB Group, Director Evaluation
Oscar Garcia
UNDP Independent Evaluation Office, Director
Megan Kennedy-Chouane
OECD-DAC, Director Evaluation
Silvia Salinas Mulder
IOCE, Chair and EvalPartners, co-Chair
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