Dear members and visitors,
The website of IDEAS has been renewed. In a survey last year members overwhelmingly told us that they wanted to have a more intuitive and interactive website, where members could find interesting opinions, social media and interact with each other and the Board. We present the new website to you and hope you find it easy to find your way.
The new website starts with four main choices for your visit:
- news and interactions;
- meetings and events;
- resources and
- membership.
Each of these choices will take you to a separate section of the website. You will also have the choice to login directly, or to learn more about IDEAS through the “about me” button on the top banner of the website.
The news and interactions section is where we want to engage with our members and the global evaluation community. Its two main components are a column with the social media that we and our members are active in: twitter, Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn and hopefully more will be added in the future. The other component is the Blog which you are reading now. You can provide comments and you can also contact us to publish your own Blog!
For members we have created possibilities to become active and interactive in the IDEAS Thematic Interest Groups. Click on the links and find out more! We also offer the possibility to edit your own profile and to extend your membership.
We hope to communicate better with you through the new website and to regularly call your attention for new possibilities, for meetings and events, including the preparations for the 2017 Global Assembly, and for issues that are of interest to you.
I’m looking forward to more connections and interactions – and we hope to gradually expand into more substantive issues, such as publishing documents, articles and papers that you can use in your work. As a professional association we aim to be relevant to what you do and to help and support you.
All the best,
Rob D. van den Berg
President, IDEAS