Strengthening Climate Action through Digitalisation: A Formative Evaluation of Contributions and Potential

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Project overview
The goal of the formative evaluation is three-fold – to identify and recommend GSMA Mobile for Development (M4D) programme adjustments, enhance programme implementation, and optimise programme outcomes. More specifically, it is expected that this work should encompass research and evaluation in an iterative process to understand:

In what ways digital solutions can expect to contribute to climate action – including mitigation, adaptation and resilience.
The totality of M4D’s climate portfolio, and the extent to which M4D’s climate work has contributed to climate action or would have the potential to, in the future, with different programme design models.

The GSMA seeks a firm with research and evaluation capacity to conduct both in-country fieldwork in Africa and Asia as well as multilingual telephone surveys and / or interviews, to conduct an evaluation of a sample of grantees and ecosystem stakeholders in Africa and Asia. The supplier will conduct fieldwork in two countries (locations to be confirmed during the inception phase of the evaluation).

How to apply
Interested parties must respond per the instructions in the RFP by 16:00 BST on 28 June 2024. In case an interested party has questions, send these by 16:00 BST on 1 July 2024.
Full proposals are due by 16:00 BST on 10 July 2024.

All correspondence and queries in relation to this RFP must be emailed to and


Additional details on the project are provided in this shared document.

Apply by 28 june.

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