
IDEAS has a growing number of members, currently over 700, representing over 90 countries. These members contribute to and benefit from the activities of the association. Join Now

Member Area

This section includes documents relevant to members rather than visitors: AGM minutes and financial reports, election procedures, membership statistics and messages from the President. Log in… Login

Get Involved

There are three ways in which we encourage members to get involved: by contributing to a current project, by joining one of our working groups focusing on a particular issue in development evaluation, or by joining one of the IDEAS Topical Interest Groups (ITIGs) in order to build networks among IDEAS members in areas of mutual interest. Learn More

Board Area

This section includes notices and minutes of board meetings as well as discussion on issues not yet finalised. As soon as board decisions are made, members are advised, and relevant documents posted to the members’ section.
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IDEAS General Inquiries

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