AWARD CATEGORY: EVALUATION IN SUPPORT OF TRANSFORMATIONTransformative Change in Tropical Forest Landscape Initiatives
prepared by V. Nelson, J. J. Kessler, J. W. Molenaar, D. Smith, H. Betts, E. E. K. Damayanti, W. Hasyim, A. Baquero, A. Martins (2021)HONOURABLE MENTION
- Impact evaluation of the National Rural Livelihoods Project in India, submitted by Dr Anijini Kochar, Stanford University and Dr. Bidisha Barooah, 3ie
- Evaluation of FAO’s support to climate action (SDG 13) and the implementation of the FAO Strategy on Climate Change (2017), submitted by Luisa Belli, FAO Office of Evaluation, and Robert Hofstede, Lead Technical Consultant and expert in Climate Change and Agriculture (Original on the FAO website)
- Evaluation of the Swedish Climate Change Initiative (CCI), submitted by Dr. John Douglas Colvin
- Assessing the Transformational Change of AgDevCo’s agribusiness investment portfolio, submitted by Timothy Hobden (Please see here three case studies of the evaluation)
In the category of Evaluation as Transformation, two evaluation reports received an honourable mention.
- Kericho County Health Sector Evaluation, submitted by Jennifer Nzambi Mutua
- Real Time Evaluation of Gender Integration in the UNICEF COVID-19 Response in South Asia, submitted by Dr. Sonal Dilip Zaveri
Evaluation for Transformational Change Award Ceremony
Side event to 2022 IDEAS Conference and Global Assembly 30 September 2022, Bonn, Germany (in partnership with DEval)
Award competition initiated by the Independent Office of Evaluation of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), supported by the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) of the World Bank Group, and hosted and managed by the International Development Evaluation Association (IDEAS)
Andy Rowe
A Fellow and former President of Canadian Evaluation Society Andy has over forty years in evaluation, now focusing on sustainability and climate and working globally. He was an early contributor to mainstreaming sustainability in evaluation and to methods for this. He initiated the CES effort to mainstream sustainability, is a founding member of Footprint Evaluation, joins evaluations addressing climate and sustainability and contributes to methods and practice through publications in peer reviewed outlets, webinars, workshops and conference keynote addresses. Dr. Rowe has a PhD from the London School of Economics, is a Fellow of the Canadian Evaluation Society and was recognised by the Society for his contributions to evaluation. His current focus is developing materials and capacities for mainstreaming sustainability in evaluation as part of the work of Footprint Evaluation funded by the Global Evaluation Initiative. Recent assignments include joining evaluations of climate adaptation of smallholder projects of the International Fund for Agricultural Development, of local stakeholder engagement in the Climate Investment Fund, as a member of the Adaptation Fund Technical Evaluation Reference Group, developing an outcome approach with the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, as well as evaluating conflict resolution in a range of settings.
Dr. Candice Morkel
Director, Centre for Learning on Evaluation and Results – Anglophone Africa Candice Morkel (PhD) is the Director of CLEAR Anglophone Africa and senior lecturer in Monitoring and Evaluation at Wits University (South Africa). She has over 20 years’ experience in government, academia and the non-profit sector, specializing in public sector governance, and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E). She currently oversees projects to support countries in their efforts to build national M&E systems, working in partnership with governments, civil society and development partners. She has extensive experience in evaluation capacity development (ECD), and has developed curriculum and facilitated ECD courses in Ghana, Zambia, Ethiopia and South Africa, as well as the renowned International Programme on Development Evaluation Training (IPDET). She has published on various aspects of evaluation systems and capacity development, has served as a Board Member of the African Evaluation Association, Chair of the South African M&E Association, and in 2021 she was appointed to the International Evaluation Academy Council (IEAc), where she serves on the Evaluation Education Working Group.
Marcus Jenal
Marcus accompanies individuals, teams and organisations and explores together with them the space of the possible to open up new opportunities for development. His aim is not to fix problems, but to discover ways of being and acting when facing a complex and messy reality. He used to call himself a consultant but, like Bhav, has been struggling to find a specific job title that fits the way he works.
Osvaldo Néstor Feinstein
Professor at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid’s Master in the Evaluation of Programs & Public Policies, member of the International Advisory Panel of UNDP’s Independent Evaluation Office. Editor of the Routledge Series “Advances in Evaluation and Development”. Editor/author of books and articles on evaluation, development and economics. Former manager and adviser at the World Bank’s Evaluation Department, and former senior evaluator at the UN International Fund for Agricultural Development. Former consultant with the IDB, AfDB, WBG, GEF, ILO, UNESCO, MOPAN, IDRC, ILPES, CEPAL, UNDP, IFAD, CGIAR, CLEAR-AA, AEVAL, Banque de France and EIPA. Experience in Latin American & Caribbean countries, Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, France, Italy and Spain. Former professor at the Latin American Faculty for the Social Sciences (FLACSO) and advisor to the Latin American Evaluation Network (ReLAC).
Zenda Ofir
Zenda Ofir, a South African citizen, is a scientist and evaluation specialist. She has worked across many countries and fields of work from local to global level, with a special focus on Africa and Asia. Her current interest is in how evaluative practices can help shape and accelerate urgently needed large-scale systems transformations, increase the chance of success of strategies and portfolios within a challenging and uncertain future, and support the development of scientific knowledge. She is a former President of the African Evaluation Association (AfrEA) and former Vice-President of the global evaluation networks IOCE and IDEAS. She continues to advise international organisations on strategy and evaluation, and is among others a member of the Blue Marble Evaluation Advisory Council, interim Chair of the International Evaluation Academy Council and a Richard von Weizsäcker Fellow at the Robert Bosch Academy in Berlin. She has been a Visiting Professor at Hiroshima University, Honorary Professor at Stellenbosch University and has led modules at the United Nations University in Tokyo and at the University of Geneva. Zenda holds a PhD in Chemistry and is currently based in Geneva, Switzerland.