Assessment Criteria
Assessment criteria applied to both award categories are the following.
The evaluation is based on a clear and reliable methodological design. Findings are clearly underpinned by (multiple) sources of evidence and there is evidence of intra- and inter-method triangulation. Potential biases to the validity of findings are adequately addressed or explained as limitations of the evaluation.
The evaluation is based on a novel conceptual framework and/or methodological approach. What qualifies as novel is to be determined by the Judging Panel. The use of novel sources of data or using existing data more effectively (e.g., through data science) as well as the use of systemic approaches to address complexity challenges are examples of innovative approaches.
The evaluation shows evidence of the use of evaluation findings in organizational learning and decision-making or even beyond (e.g., in the public debate, as a source of influence of other evaluations, as a source of influence on intervention design, etc.). Moreover, there is evidence of a (potential) contribution of the evaluation to transformational change in the context of the SDGs and/or significant systemic changes at country, regional or sectoral levels. Evaluations may provide inspiration for overcoming barriers to change and shift societal and institutional debates in new directions to promote change.
The influence criterion will receive a relatively higher weight in the assessment process for the award category of evaluation as transformation.
Judging Panel
The Judging Panel will consist of an independent panel of experts in evaluation, transformational change and/or sustainable development. The Judging Panel will review submissions and select the winner and two runners-up in each award category.