Awny Amer Morsy (Egypt)

Awny Amer is an independent Research, Monitoring & Evaluation consultant, based in Egypt. Awny got a master degree in psychology and mental health on 1989. He has 30 years of experience in development & evaluation. Awny started his career with Plan International Egypt where he worked for over 22 years. In 2009, after accumulating extensive experience, Awny established himself as an independent R&E consultant.
Throughout his career in the R&E field, Amer has had the opportunity to lead and conduct different R&E processes, surveys, and situations analysis for diverse programmes addressing children, youth, women and other vulnerable groups. Awny has worked extensively with the United Nations (ESCWA, UNICEF, UN Women, UNDP, UNRWA and WFP) and other global and national NGOs (including Oxfam, IDRC, CARE, Save the Children, Inter News, Search for Common Ground, Right to Play, War Child, Drosos and Plan International) among others. Having worked in different countries in the MENA region, he has gained extensive regional experience.
Awny always applies a combination of qualitative & quantitative methods with special focus on the participatory M&E approach, methodologies and tools including Most Significant Change (MSC) technique, storytelling techniques, longitudinal study processes, FGDs, case studies, community reflection tools and others in a consultative manner during the evaluation process to promote meaningful participation and strengthen the accountability practices on different levels.
In addition to being an active member of the IDEAS Board, he also serves on the Boards of the African Policy Centre (APC), the Egyptian R&E network in Egypt (EREN) and the Community of Evaluators (CoE). He is a co-founder of the EvalMENA and active member of the African Evaluation Association (AfrEA). He has published a number of papers and abstracts which have been submitted to different international evaluation conferences. Awny has also translated key R&E publications including the “The Road to Results” and the “Most Significant Change technique (MSC) Guide”, among others.
Second Term of Office expires: March 31, 2020